De En
To all natural things
there is an inherent necessity,
materialised in the most diverse
forms of beauty.
Too many seem, alienated from this world
and weighed down by suffering,
to have lost sight of this symbiosis.
It is important to bring this understanding back into consciousness.

The Inspriration for this series originated in the attempt to process grief after the loss of my best friend and to find ways to give space to more diverse, and often suppressed, emotions alongside the predominant notations of anger and frustration.
Even after the fulfilling completion of this process, the desire persisted to confront my own perception of the world with itself and to explore this construct "of the self and the other".
To recognise it as my own, and myself as part of it, and to understand what I want to align myself with and relate to.

The choice of objects in my work is based on the presence they have as symbols of the unification of being and non-being.
With the help of these everyday artefacts, I want to nourish experiences and relationships with acceptance of a meaning and to counter the feeling of alienation.
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I'm in good shape

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